
I believed it was time for a pivot, a shift, change — something to help me increase my productivity. I’ve worked with mentors and practiced meditation in the past, but I needed a jolt. A friend referred me to Nana. I tend to coach my friends and constituents, so I fully understood the benefits. Still, I wondered what more I could gain that I’d hadn’t already learned in training or by reading a range of books.   I moved forward and engaged Nana. What a great choice! Going through the weekly sessions, I confronted personal barriers I’d been reluctant to face and unearthed a few that may have prohibited my growth. Nana encouraged me, offering practical and spiritual perspectives as both were important to me.  If you’re ready to address the root concerns that may be impacting your progress in a safe, nurturing partnership, I’d suggest working with Nana. 

— Mia J. | Communications Exec. | Washington DC

I met Nana through a recommendation from my very good friend. She had watched me struggle for years with taking care of myself as I spent so much time taking care of my family. I saw quite a few counselors/therapists over the years and while I might have gotten some good information, there was always a feeling I was stuck. My relationship with my siblings has always been a  a dysfunctional situation. I continuously felt they needed my help as they so often came to me with drama/problems. It didn’t really matter what I would do or say, the situation always repeated itself. Nana has helped me to reflect, look inward and understand my role in preventing myself from moving forward. I remember when I first met Nana feeling, this man will help me in a way no one else has. I can definitely say he’s been a life changer. Someone I am so grateful to have met and to have spent many hours speaking with. Thank you Nana!

— Melinda W. | Finance Exec | Florida

I loved this experience on the inner mileage journey and highly, highly recommend it. This is all about self-introspection, and asking ‘you’ some hard questions. Life is all about reaching your best and full potential and I am happy to have tried something entirely “new” and “different” to me which as been all…positive. Thanks Nana

— Maakor Q. | Attorney| Los Angeles, CA

I wanted to thank you for all that you’ve done for us. Your lessons have been so impactful. It spawned tough conversations with myself but it also was a self-awakening. The real work begins now that the 30 days is completed but I’m looking forward practicing what I’ve learned…Much appreciation to you and all the time you spend with perfect strangers like myself to make a difference in the world one person at a time.

— Mark S. | Talent Leader | Silver Spring, MD

I had never worked with a personal coach before, and I was nervous about my willingness to open up and discuss personal matters with someone I did not have an established relationship with before. I had attempted personal strategies and working with external coaches before. They were not resulting in what I wanted, which is why I gave INNER MILEAGE a try. I am making strides to becoming more mindful, more content in my here-and-now reality and developing a relationship with my conscious awareness. He will help you in life. Make the investment in yourself and do it.

— Sean S. | Solutions Management | Salt Lake City, UT

I had just experienced an unexpected yet oddly welcome work transition and was in a state of angst, reflection, and curiosity about the future and a possible career change. I had tried meditation, friends, family, faith, and career transition services. They were all soothing, tactical, and useful, but didn't propel me into a higher state of thinking, being, or doing. I feel as if a 20 lb. invisible weight has been lifted. I am in a more peaceful and focused state. I recognize and appreciate the reality of impermanence and I am better able to observe and respond rather than react to situations and emotions. I have also secured an LLC and begun certification for my dream of becoming a coach! Nana provides a safe and challenging space for you to discover and become your best self. .

— Mia M. | PR Exec | Alexandria, VA

Nana has become a forcing function in my life. His voice is a constant as I navigate the day, reminding me to breathe, remember I AM, and that how I move in the world unlocks the quantum physics shaping how the universe works. Choosing to start working with Nana…was the best decision I made in 2020. I have clarity and confidence I have not had before in my life. I’m extremely grateful for his coaching and see him as the PHIL JACKSON to my MICHAEL JORDAN.

— Kwame SP. | Management Consultant | Washington DC

Working with Nana has been a significant expansion of my practice of living a good life. If you're reading this, it means that you've already been doing quite a bit of work towards whatever goal that has you here now.  After exerting the limits of going alone, I began working with Nana and decided to lean into a more communal relationship with working with myself. Nana has been an excellent guide, witness, and coach, and what was most telling was his willingness to share parts of his own story and his knack for offering not answers but pathways to new questions and insights that have allowed me to discover more of what I would describe as soul gold.  If you're considering working with a coach or expanding your inner work beyond yourself, Nana is well-suited to help you along this last mile.  Whatever you're working towards is important enough to be here, and I hope this review is a further confirmation to trust yourself that you are in the right place.

— Kirth B. | Entrepreneur | Washington DC